Critical Minerals MUDEC exhibition review on National Geographic Italia
The Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore reviewed the exhibition Critical Minerals at Mudec in Milan.
In the fight for less CO2 in the air, ideas are being developed that sound like science fiction. An insight into technologies that are in their infancy - and could change the world.
On Annabelle Magazine
La questione e urgente e pressante: può la tecnologia aiutarci a risolvere la crisi climatica? Davide monteleone ha provato a rispondere a questa domanda, intraprendendo numerosi viaggi in tutta l'europa con il suo team per visitare alcune delle principali istituzioni nel campo delle tecnologie ccus (cattura e stoccaggio del carbonio), che puntano sulla rimozione della co2 dall'atmosfera per contribuire a combattere il riscaldamento globale. Nelle strutture visitate nel corso del reportage si sono viste differenti soluzioni possibili: grandi macchine che estraggono co2 dall'aria, impianti dove l'anidride carbonica viene iniettata nel sottosuolo e contenitori sottomarini che permettono di immagazzinarla sotto il fondale marino. Alcune aziende, inoltre, hanno trovato un modo per riciclare la co, mentre altre coltivano microalghe per assorbirila.
I'm thrilled to announce that the Cobalt Chapter from the "Critical Minerals - Geography of Energy” project has been selected as a finalist at the prestigious Sony World Photography Awards.
I am delighted to announce that I will unveil four new pieces from the "Critical Minerals - Geography of Energy" series at Arte Fiera 2024 at Galleria Valeria Bella.
I enjoyed attending the National Geographic Festival in Milan, whose theme this year was “Capitale Naturale” (Natural Capital)…
"100 River OB" will be displayed at Galleria Valeria Bella, boot E05, on the occasion of Paris Photo, from November 9th to November 12th, 2023.
Last year, I had the honor to be invited to the TEDX Milano to talk about my experience documenting the development of science to reach a cleaner future and to raise awareness about the current dynamics of the energetic green transition. The recording of the live evening is finally available online, and it can be seen here.
Last year, I embarked on multiple trips throughout Europe with my team to visit some of the leading institutions in the field of CCUS technologies. The result of this work is now released in the National Geographic Magazine’s November issue as a cover story.
A few weeks ago I spent a couple of days documenting the innovative and young company Alps Blockchain, on assignment for Wired.
In the beautiful scenery of the Italian Alps, I got to know a new, interesting entrepreneurial reality that will probably go a long way in its chosen field.
An image of my long-term project "Sinomocene" has been included in Prix Pictet's publication "Human", a selection of outstanding photographs by both shortlisted and non-shortlisted nominees that best reflect the current cycle's theme.
Published by Hatje Cantz the publication includes a foreword by Sir David King, Chairman of the Prix Pictet Jury, together with essays by David Christian & Meehan Crist.
I had the pleasure to be invited to Langhe Photo Festival, in Neive (CN), to exhibit a selection of my work Sinomocene and to hold a lecture, on September 3rd.