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National Geographic - The Pictures of the Year 2024

  • StudioDM - Davide Monteleone Erikastrasse Zürich, ZH, 8003 Svizzera (map)

I am proud to announce that one of my images has been selected for the National Geographic Picture of the Year issue, a format that summarizes the finest work of hundreds of NatGeo photographers on the field.

This year’s feature is about my series about the DAWN project, in Germany. The image represents a synthetic fluid, made using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, that has the potential to replace fossil fuels. It could be used to power trucks, ships, and planes without retrofitting. In June, Swiss company Synhelion opened the world’s first industrial-scale plant to produce the energy alternative.

Check it out at this link.

To read the full story, please visit NG’s website here.

Earlier Event: November 20
Critical Minerals on Vogue Italia
Later Event: November 22
Critical Minerals on Newsweek Japan